Veneers, also called porcelain veneers or porcelain laminates, are thin wafer-like, tooth colored material applied to the front portion of the teeth to improve their appearance. Dental veneers are indicated to correct and repair tooth chips and cracks, improve a worn appearance or correct severe tooth discoloration. Veneers may also be recommended if you have gaps in your teeth or if you have not had success with teeth whitening.

What is Lumineer?

Lumineer is a brand of veneers that offers ultra-thin, translucent materials that maintain the natural appearance of your tooth enamel. Lumineers will help your teeth appear uniform, straighter and whiter. It is a painless procedure and a permanent whitening solution for your teeth. Lumineers differ from traditional veneers as they are much thinner and do not require grinding down of the teeth prior to applying them.

How is Lumineer applied?

Your dentist first creates a mold of your teeth, decides on the acceptable shade of tooth color and then sends the mold to the lab to create customized lumineers. On your second visit, your dentist will apply them onto the tooth surface without the need for injections or drilling.



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